Monday, February 20, 2017

Power Chair USB Adapter

Our most recent project was to create a USB adapter that plugs into the three-pin charge port on an electric wheelchair. The main goal was to be able to plug in and charge devices like cell phones and iPads directly from the power chair so that there is no need to keep unplugging them from the wall and moving them around the house to different outlets as the wheelchair changes locations. This adapter especially helps make the devices readily available for voice command, because it allows for constant use of Apple's "Hey Siri" command (which only works when the device is plugged in) or Android's "Okay Google" command.
Our project was inspired by this one from The only major difference is that we made ours with a double-USB port car socket so that two devices can be plugged in at once.

Our supplies:

  • A double-USB port car socket
  • A Neutrik plug
  • Heat shrink tubing
  • Soldering materials
First, we took off the casing on the car socket. This left us with the inner circuit board, spring, and USB ports. Then, we soldered the rear spring to the positive side of the Neutrik cord and the side contacts to the negative side. We tested the job to see if it worked, and lo and behold, the LED light came on when we plugged in the cable to the chair, indicating that the chair was indeed supplying the USB ports power. Note the heat shrink (in white).
We finished it off by adding a larger heat shrink tube over the whole thing, and the adapter was done! Thanks to WheelchairDriver for this great idea. It's really a very simple and easy project, which we accomplished in just one night. Margaret now has Siri listening to her all the time no matter which room she's in!

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